Emilie Baubet

Talent Stories I Inspiring Women in Engineering: Meet Emilie Baubet, EHS Consultant.

2 min. read
Alyssa Lefever
Written by Alyssa Lefever
Marketing Officer at Sisu: Group

We talked with Emilie Baubet, Environment, Health and Safety Consultant about her involvement in the engineering sector and why she thinks fostering inclusion is crucial for the future of this industry. 



Where does your interest in STEM come from? 


I've always been better at scientific subjects at school and studying languages or pursuing a career in literature was never really in it for me. 

What I mostly like about my job is the human aspect that goes with health and safety matters. My goal is that people go home the same way as they arrived in the morning. Regardless of the type of sector (construction, railway, weaponry,...) I really feel fulfilment from what I do. 



What does Inclusion mean for you? 

I currently work in a male-dominated environment where I only manage male workers, so inclusion is a topic that really speaks to me. I’ve had to face some challenges to find my place as a woman, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come.  

I noticed that women and men may have a different approach to safety, and that is completely fine! I think both ways of working can complement eachother 



What does the representation of women in your field look like?   

Unfortunately, we see that women are poorly represented in the engineering industry. From my experience, I can say that the majority of my colleagues are men. The fact that we see women are getting more and more interested in scientific matters, at school, in movies or on TV is really inspiring, and  I’m glad this encourages women to work and be involved in this field 


At Catalay, we frequently get the opportunity to attend events and meet other consultants from different sectors. Not only does this foster our inclusion withing the community, but it also allows us to exchange on different topics and learn from each other’s experiences 



Do you have any advice for women wanting to start a career in engineering? 


Don’t be afraid. There’s this common idea that engineering is only reserved for men, but I’m hopeful that this is bound to change. My advice would be to do what keeps you motivated and energised, regardless of what people may think 

We all have our place and our role to play in engineering. Men might be a bit stricter in some areas, while women can have a softer approach, but it’s the combination of all personalities that will move the world forward and get the job done. 


Thank you Emilie for sharing your inspiring story!
